Kayrena's story

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Current bursary holder Kayrena is 20 years old and comes from Hackney. She is in her second year, studying Midwifery at London South Bank University.

We caught up with Kayrena to understand how she was coping with her studies during the Covid-19 pandemic and what our funding meant to her.


How did you hear about us and what made you decide to apply to us for funding?

I was looking online - I wanted to apply because I was going through a rough time.

The process was really good, I felt very supported by the member of staff that I was working with.

Could you explain a little about your personal situation at the time you applied for funding?

I was stopped from working due to COVID-19. University was really stressful because I didn’t know what was going to happen, but now everything is slowly coming coming together.

The bursary has helped me immensely because I also look after my mum and sister so I was able to provide not only for myself but for my family.

What are your ambitions for the future?

I would like to become a public health midwife after I qualify.

This bursary has helped me a lot - I’m so grateful.

I was stopped from working due to COVID-19. University was really stressful because I didn’t know what was going to happen.... The bursary has helped me immensely.

