Gypsy, Romany and Traveller (GRT) Communities Report


The Foundation is delighted to publish a report entitled More than luck: Enabling access and success in Higher Education for Gypsy, Romany and Traveller (GRT) Communities.

In accordance with our 2017 commitment to work with and to support opportunities for the GRT community, the Foundation commissioned Dr Graeme Atherton to research the difficulties this group faces in accessing university. The author examines the latest data from universities, outlines the historical context and explores challenges faced by the GRT community today before proposing five recommendations in policy and practical measures that the sector may wish to adopt.

London has one of the most ethnically diverse HE student populations in the UK, but access for those from the GRT community is still poor. As the author remarks: “If progress is to be made in making HE accessible to GRT communities, what happens in London will inevitably be vital.

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