The Lord Mayor's Appeal and Place2Be


The Portal Trust is proud to award a grant to The Lord Mayor’s Appeal, to support their charity partner Place2Be’s work in London.


As we emerge from the difficult years of the pandemic, mental health problems among children and young people are at crisis point. 1 in 6 children now have a diagnosable mental health condition. This is a profound increase from 1 in 9 just five years ago. It is now more crucial than ever that we support children and young people to prevent mental health challenges, intensified by the pandemic, from impacting their wellbeing, their education, and their future.

The Lord Mayor’s Appeal aims to create ‘A Better City for All’ that is inclusive, healthy, and skilled and fair by supporting a variety of charities. This includes thought leadership initiatives - Power of Inclusion, This is Me, We Can Be and City Giving Day - to offer excellent learning, development and engagement opportunities for employees across the Square Mile.

For over 25 years Place2Be has been putting young people's mental health at the heart of education and with this grant, we hope to see it remain so. We first supported Place2Be in 2002 and we continue to be impressed by their dedication and empathy towards young people. This generation of young people has been tested, mentally and emotionally far more than we would have hoped over the last few years, organisations like Place2Be have a key role to play in uniting and healing our community. We’re delighted to continue our support.”

Richard Foley
Chief Executive, The Portal Trust

Place2Be is the UK’s leading children’s mental health charity providing mental health support services in schools to pupils, teachers, parents and carers.

Funding from The Portal Trust will go towards supporting Place2Be’s mental health services for one academic year in three schools in Southwark, Lewisham and Newham.

Place2Be provides a range of mental health services in schools, which includes:

*One-to-one counselling and drop-in sessions for children

*Parenting skills training, supporting families with joint therapy sessions with their child, digital advice and top tips

*Upskilling teachers and school staff with expert training in mental health of children

Funding from The Portal Trust to The Lord Mayor’s Appeal will be truly transformational towards supporting Place2Be’s vital mental health services in partner schools across London, enabling children to receive support before it’s too late.

Catherine Roche, Chief Executive at Place2Be and Caroline Wright, Chief Executive at The Lord Mayor’s Appeal said “We are delighted to have the support of The Portal Trust via The Lord Mayor’s Appeal to help us to continue to reach children across Newham, Southwark and Lewisham with our in-school mental health services to support whole school communities. Funding from The Portal Trust will help towards our shared mission of creating a better city for all young people in London and will enable us to reach even more children and young people in London, arming them with the emotional skills and wellbeing to help build resilience as they grow, and have a positive effect on their education and futures.”

We are so grateful for The Lord Mayor’s Appeal’s and The Portal Trust’s outstanding and significant support.”
